Similarity Between Kalyan and Mumbai
Kalyan and Mumbai games both are operated from mumbai. These two games are the most popular satta matka games among the satta matka player. Kalyan and Mumbai games follow a specific rules and regulations. All other games doesn't follow a specific rule they just aimed towards profit.
Basic OTC
Generally if you select more than five otc then that is much more and selecting less than three OTC create a risk factor.
So it is best to guess guess four satta matka OTC. This will also provide a chance to make jodi from these OTC.
OTC Trick
To guess a OTC generally people follow different technique Such as running fix number, Double play OTC list, Add specific value to previous day result.
Running Fix Number
In this Technique People generally start playing any four digit OTC daily and threy got success in within two day.
Double Play List
Playing double amount on each failure need more amount but here success is 100%. Here People play a specific OTC daily and on each failure the amount increased to double, so when they get success all the amount invested will recovered.
Add Specific Number to Previous Result
In this method the player tries to get the next day result from previous day result. Here player add a specific number to the previous result and tried to find out the new otc.
for example one technique is to add 2 to previous result.
suppose previous day result is 56
then add 2 to 56 til we get 4 OTC
we get 5860 as our new satta matka OTC