Tuesday, 8 November 2022



Satta Matka Game Research Technique

In previous blog we have discussed about the sattamatka guessing  technique.  That all are time consuming technique. we have to apply all the technique every time we guess a number. Knowing the technique once will not help you to get the result. Because in satta matka, you have to apply the sattamatka guessing technique according to requirement.  Again you have to apply many techniques for multiple times to get the result. But in current situations the guessing technique is slightly more advance and time saver one.

                New satta matka guesser and professor developed some software and methods that will easily do the guessing work for players. Some of the example of such guessing software are

1.       Sattamatkaliveguesser

2.       Veermatkafixer

3.       Veermatkafinder

4.       Monaguesser

5.       SattaMatkalivemachine


This software is used by some guesser and owner of sattamatkalive, this software uses many guessing technique such as old line finding and logic applying technique.  This software has very much influence among the player because of its success rate.

                In this software the previous month game is uploaded and the machine will study the previous month game and provide you with new satta matka number of the day. But some guesser donot like this because it only takes the input of one month game. So to avoid the problem in this software another software is designed known as veermatka fixer.

2. Veermatkafixer

Veermatkafixer is the advance version of sattamatkaliveguesser . lacuna of sattamatkaliveguesser is, it takes only one month previous record to guess the new result but in veermatkafixer you can upload the sattmatka record as per your requirement, that may be of one year or two year. In this way the guessing will be stronger than the previous satta matka guessing software.

                This software uses only the two technique of satta matka guessing, but they don’t use the probability and point technique. There is also some software which uses the point technique and probability technique.

Satta Matka Software

3. veermatkafinder

This software uses the satta matka point technique and probability technique to guess the number. Once the satta Matka player upload the record, the software will calculate the possible points of result and probability of different results. But this software will not finalize any guessing for you. Viewing the result of the software output you have to guess one or more number.

4. Monaguesser

This software is actually based on the name of a famous guesser monaguesser. Some of the guessing technique of mona with the existing technique. This perhaps the most popular software, available with many guessing website. The guessing website uses this software to give guessed number to player which makes many player very much success.

                But the availability of multiple games and multiple results in a day will make confusing the player while using the software. This requirement of sattamatka guessing will provide developer a chance to develop more software.

Satta Matka Machine


This software uses the most popular machine learning technique to guess the new result based on the old result. Here the machine doesn’t need to apply any method of guessing. Here the machine studied the previous satta matka numbers and established a relation between them. A formula is developed based on every relation founded by the machine and similar formula is applied with current result to get the guessed satta matka number.

Satta Matka God

                Few of satta matka guessing website have this type of software because this software are very much expensive and not possible for a player to afford such type of satta matka software. But player generally takes help of satta matka guessing website to get these number by paying some minimal amount.

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